Wednesday 17 April 2013

Finally finshed my CV

After many months of trying to work out how to put my CV together i have finally done it, hopefully it will be enough to get me an interview.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

 The visuals i have generated from 3ds max ready to put in the concept video presentation for D&AD

Friday 15 March 2013

Final Presentation

 Final presentation boards for United BMX, boards have changed in style going for the more dark look, which when i look back now i would change back to the yellow white and gray fell to my concept boards.
The visuals i added a Photoshop Filter on to give the grainy look however again when i look back i wish i had taken that off it spoils the aesthetics of the images which all i needed to do to them was maybe alter the contrast and brightness.

Formative submition

Initial plans and section for the United BMX concept, taking from this i need to make the space smaller and find out how to get the upstairs link better with my ideas.


 First Boards for the D&AD concept brief, looking into the healthy sides to marmite by creating a marmite bus full of nutritious facts traveling to festivals, i am working on a concept video and final visuals for presentation to D&AD 

Friday 25 January 2013

New Breif

Just been given a brief with the university set by Unilever in collaboration with D&ND.
I will be posting more as i get through my reaserch and find how to solve this breif on a new event space to create healthy life style changes and social interaction...

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Concept Board

My concept board for a sketch scheme presentation of my progress 
on the design of the retail store in the packhorse.

Concept Reaserch

Some imagery taken form various places on the internet related 
to the type of retail shop i am wanting to design.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Some really innovative ways of to recycled bike parts and old scaffolding materials.
Images from Google images and may be subject to copyright

Thursday 1 November 2012

BMX trending imagery

Just a couple of images i found browsing the web which really inspire my ideas for the store i will be designing.